Thursday, October 6, 2011

CTI Supports Development of Safety & Security Information Management

CTI Associates was recently selected to assist the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in developing a new Rail Safety & Security Information Management System (RSSIMS). As subconsultant to Eclipse Solutions, a leading provider of IT consulting services, CTI will provide subject matter expertise in railroad and rail transit safety and security, in order to support development of this high-technology software solution. The goal of RSSIMS is to develop an integrated database to manage and utilize California’s rail safety and security data, thus streamlining CPUC’s operations while conforming to their current business practices.

The CPUC has oversight responsibilities for railroad freight and passenger systems and for rail transit systems operating on 7,100-plus miles of track in California. The CPUC also has jurisdiction over the safety of roughly 13,000 public and private rail crossings used by vehicles and pedestrians.

CTI Associates is a leader in providing project and program management services to the municipal and public transportation sector, with specific expertise in railroad and rail transit design, construction, safety, security and all-hazards management. CTI is a preferred partner to the IT industry in helping provide technology solutions for public agencies. For more information, visit

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Evaluating Transit Station Infill Options

How does the community and transit decision-makers go about selecting from among several viable alternatives for adding infill stations to an existing rapid transit line, in established close-in suburban neighborhoods? To this end, the Public Transit Bug has blogged about tonight's public meeting for CTA Yellow Line Infill Stations and put forth an excellent analysis of the three optional stations being considered, using GIS tools and a dose of common sense. We offer our comments as well.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Comments on 2035 Vision Plan for Chicago Rail Transit

Brian over at Public Transit Bug has offered some excellent comments on the updated 2035 Vision Plan for Chicago Rail Transit. You can also find our follow-up responses in the comments section of that blog/post.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Updated 2035 Chicago Rail Transit Vision Plan

We've updated the 2035 Chicago Rail Transit Vision Plan and included staging plans as well. Emphasis is now given to a new Paris-like RER system of through-routed regional commuter rail. The description text on the Vision pages is not yet in sync with the graphic plan, but we hope to bring these two in alignment soon. In the meantime, feel free to comment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Silly Argument Over BRT vs. Rail

Today "The Transport Politic" takes on the BRT vs. Rail argument with some interesting points of reference/comparison between the two modes, as well as some refreshing conclusions. View the blog post here.